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L&L Loyalty Program


A few fine prints and exemptions:

For the most updated reward ladder, please refer to "How to Redeem Points" guide from the Rewards Program widget

 The following products and orders are not eligible to earn points:

- Pieces under the following collection:
- Online Warehouse Sale goodies
- Orders modified at customer's request
    The system does not reward retroactively. All points are automated and tracked after registration.
    Most rewards expire within 90 days upon redemption. Kindly check Terms before redeeming.
    Unused points expire after 6 months of inactivity. For clarity, "inactivity" means having no new points added for 6 months.
    Laila and Lyra reserves the right to modify the ways to earn points or the rewards ladder.
    Without notice to you, Laila and Lyra reserves the right to suspend or terminate participation in loyalty program for customers with history of non-payment.
    Updated 8.18.2023